Welcome to Town Tales
A multiplayer game inspired by games like "The Sims", mostly "Sims 2" with the add-on "Open for business", or "Harvest Moon" / "Stardew Valley".
But there are also other games with nice options in it, like "Pizza Connection" or "Rollercoaster Tycoon", which I (maybe) want to implement.
What is the game about?
Primary it will be some kind of life simulation, where you are able to build your house, workplace, etc..
Earn money and have a family or just use your free time to make friends or maybe foes.
There will be no need to follow a story. As much as possible should be a decision of the player how life will be to make your own Town Tale.
Please also keep in mind that the game is still work in Progress and I dont know which features could match in the end result. But a Roadmap will follow.
Why a commnunity for a game that doens't even exists?
I want to get feedback from other people as soon as possible. Maybe there will be good ideas I never would think about.
Where is the download button?
At the moment Town Tale is in pre-Alpha state. In this state I want to add basics to the game.
There will be no possibility to get more than some screenshots or videos which I will share.
As soon as there will be a shareable version, either in Alpha or Beta state, there will be a possibility to get a copy.
What is actually inside the game?
Every week everything will grow more and more. If you want to read the last updates follow me via Discord